You are a combine harvester. You harvest people. Why? Find out next on…Children of the Combine.

Controls: WASD

Debug commands in case you get softlocked:
- : go to previous level
+/= : go to next level
K : kill all enemies
R : restart

Note: You can reread the comics here:



Q: What's with these green gates?
A: You gotta grind up all the bean people first

Q: I did that but the gates won't open!
A: You probably ran into one of our many famous softlocks; press K to auto-kill all enemies

Ludum Dare Link:



There were some game-breaking bugs in the version we submitted for Ludum Dare, so the current version fixes those bugs. In keeping in line with the rules of LD, we haven't made any feature changes. Full changelog is below:

v1.1 (latest):

  • Fixed the vignettes/boss intros not showing sometimes when the game is fullscreened in WebGL.
  • Fixed the narration not playing sometimes on some levels.

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